Saturday, April 26, 2008

Flyer Israel

What can I say, it was amazing!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I met Freeze at Israel, I was very amazed to hear about the project and I thinhk it is very important
that he wants to make a difference in the world and believe in peace
and work for this important cause.
It is very difficult to infuence people over here because they are on the way to give up this dream.
To see Freeze with a lot of good energy and hope also talking to people and the working with children and the shows it really touched my heart. I wish there are more people like him - the world would diffrent. The show at Tel Aviv was a great show, I like the melodies and lyrics of his songs very much. The show was musically vey mixed. I like very much the song about love and peace "the beauty of our world" that reflect his project. The atmoshere was full of released energy. I really looking for to see his show again at Israel and I hope he will influence more people like me. I wish everybody will sing this song on the day of peace and believe in it!!! Yahel